
Matthew James' policies have been developed to encourage and promote the joyful study of music in our students. Regular attendance by students is expected, both for their musical growth and to respect our teachers’ schedules. Listed below are our current policies, which do change from time to time. Be sure to check back for the most up-to-date policies on an as-needed basis.


  • All memberships are month to month and payment is due in advance at the beginning of each month.
  • Thirty days notice is required in writing (email acceptable) to discontinue lessons. Telling your teacher you do not plan to continue is not sufficient notice for cancellation.
  • Payment is accepted by e-check and credit card only.
  • Monthly membership dues are as follows:
  • Membership is the same each month whether the lesson day falls within the month four times or five times.


  • Three lessons each quarter (1/1-3/31, 4/1-6/30, 7/1-9/30, 10/1-12/31) are allowed to be rescheduled for any reason (sickness, travel, soccer games, etc.) as long as the teacher is given at least 24 hours notice beforehand. Last minute emergency situations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Ninety days will be given to make up canceled lessons, starting from the date of the canceled lesson. Any make-ups not used within the 90 day period will be forfeited.
  • Any lessons that are canceled by the teacher may be rescheduled if you choose to do a make-up. However, you may choose not to do a make-up lesson in this case and may elect to receive a lesson credit toward the next month’s payment.


  • Either the parent or a designated representative over 18 years old must be present in the home at all times during a lesson.
  • If the teacher arrives at the home and nobody is present, the teacher shall wait for 10 minutes after the scheduled start time of the lesson for the arrival of the student and the parent or designated representative, after which time the lesson will be canceled and shall be treated as a “missed lesson” and will be paid for as a completed lesson.
  • If the parent or designated representative is not present at the home with the student at the time the lesson is supposed to commence, the teacher shall not enter the house but shall wait outside for not more than 10 minutes until the parent or designated representative is present, after which time the lesson shall be canceled and treated as a “missed lesson.”
  • If the parent or designated representative must leave the home at any time and for any reason during a lesson, the lesson shall immediately terminate and shall be charged as a completed lesson.
  • No lesson shall be conducted in a bedroom in the home unless there is no other practical location in the home for the lesson to take place.
  • If the lesson is connected in a room with a door, the door shall remain open at all times during the lesson.